Topic 4: Hardware and Software

Topic 4-1: Hardware

We explore hardware components by watching and discussing the following video tutorials, and also by exploring a Raspberry Pi!

Inside your computer

How a CPU works

How transistors work (Ted-Ed)

How do hard drives work (Ted-Ed)

How computer memory works (Ted-Ed)

How RAM works

What are bits, and are they important? (32-bit versus 64-bit)

Data channel or bus: definitions

What is a client-server network?

Topic 4-2: Software
To get some hands-on experience with coding (i.e., software programming), we will try to record and build a macro in Excel. We will also associate the macro with a button!

Watch this tutorial video to learn how to add the Developer tab to the ribbon on Windows, and an illustration of what cool tricks you can do with absolute versus relative macros

Here's Microsoft's documentation on how to add the Developer tab to the ribbon

Watch this tutorial video to learn how to add the Developer tab to the ribbon on Mac.

Watch this tutorial video for popping an input box to get user input

Watch this tutorial video for popping a message box

Watch this tutorial video for creating a simple button to the Excel spreadsheet (or any Microsoft product, such as Word)

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